Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations






Mission and Vision
Together, we aim high.
We Aim High is a Texas certified 501 (c)(3) nonprofit.
We Aim High provides nonprofit and for-profit small businesses with education, training, affordable capital resources and other services. Special attention to minority, women, veteran business owners and those located in low- to moderate- income census tracts.
• Guide nonprofit executives and boards to improve mission, organization, and staff performance. Facilitate strategic planning process to achieve clear, concise, and measurable objectives.
• Help Community Development Financial I Institutions (CDFI) diversify funding sources, capital, and loan products through New Markets Tax Credits, CDFI grants and certification, and SBA loan programs.
• Help CDFIs secure low cost CRA loan capital, create Small Business Association (SBA) loan programs, develop robust technical assistance programs, prepare small business loan applicants, and other services to achieve maximum benefit from SBA loan programs.
• Help nonprofits and small businesses scale through mergers and acquisitions, digital media and strategic communications, fundraising, human resources and operational streamlining.
• Help nonprofits and CDFIs create loan products and technical assistance/education that are responsive to customer needs.
• Help CDFIs obtain resources to create robust small business loan programs and virtual education opportunities for active duty service members, military veterans, and military spouses.
• Assist CDFIs that are Community Development Entities (CDE) with New Markets Tax Credits transactions additional resources.
• Assist nonprofits and CDFIs with merger & acquisition process. Support identification of earned revenue opportunities to improve bottom line and diversify income sources.
•Veterans - We Aim High is veteran-led and our leadership understands the unique challenges veterans face. We’re here to help you start and grow your veteran-owned business or dedicated veteran programming. With cross-sector experience serving veterans at a national scale, We Aim High is uniquely positioned to help veteran entrepreneurs.