Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations






Mission and Vision
Our Mission is to shine truth and light in to the world of hurting children.
TruLight127 Ministries’ Vision:
We want to provide children with an environment that is full of love, nurture, support and structure. Thus, preventing them from becoming a statistic of hopelessness.
We seek to do this by:
being their voice in a world that ignores them,
supporting them with tangible services to meet their real needs,
empowering them with the knowledge and self-esteem they need to pursue their dreams,
and supporting the families that care for them.
Our program of supportive services adds a community component to our mission of foster placement. We will empower and equip individuals, communities, and churches to move in God’s call in James 1:27 to care for the orphans. By doing so, we can change the course of their lives to be a productive citizen of society full of hopes, dreams, and ambition to do more.
Foster/Adopt with TruLight127 Ministries
TruLight127 provides specialized training and guidance to help you provide a nurturing and stable home for children who have been abused or neglected.
Trauma Training for Biological Families
TruLight127 Ministries offers an extensive Trauma Informed Care and TBRI training for biological families and kinship foster placements.
Kinship and Biological Family Support
Foster Family Support
Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) ® as the primary program model for our programs. TBRI was developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross at the Child Development Institute at Texas Christian University. It is an evidence-based model with over a decade of research behind it.
Please see our website for Donation and Volunteer opportunities.
We serve the counties in Region 8 of the Texas Department of Family Protective Services which includes Kendall County.