Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA)
1111 Main Ave
San Antonio
1111 N Main Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212, USA






Mission and Vision
Founded in 1970 to represent Texas farmworkers, TRLA has grown into the nation’s second largest legal aid provider and the largest in Texas. TRLA provides free civil legal services to residents in 68 Southwest Texas counties, and represents migrant and seasonal farm workers throughout the state and in six other southern states. TRLA also operates public defender programs that serve at least 10 Texas counties, representing low-income and indigent people accused of felonies, misdemeanors, and juvenile crimes. TRLA serves about 23,000 clients each year. However, more than 2.6 million residents of Southwest Texas are considered eligible for TRLA services, a ratio of almost 21,000 potential clients per legal aid lawyer. As a result, thousands of low-income Texans still lack access to civil legal representation.
POINT OF CONTACT: Call toll free hotline number 1-888-988-9996
HOURS: Hotline available: Monday - Thursday 8:30AM - 7:30PM
AREA SERVED: Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Crockett, Edwards, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes,
Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Medina, Real, Sutton, Wilson Counties.
SERVICES OFFERED: TRLA sponsors and participates in free legal clinics, where volunteer attorneys help low income Texans with divorces, driver’s license restoration, accessing veterans’ benefits,
wills, and other civil legal matters.
TRLA is the largest legal aid provider in the state, serving eligible clients in South, Central
and West Texas. TRLA's service area covers 68 counties and encompasses 1,171,000
income eligible Texas residents. TRLA also serves migrant and seasonal farm workers
throughout Texas and six southern states (Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama,
Tennessee and Kentucky) through an office located in Nashville, Tennessee.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: TRLA is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation that provides free civil legal assistance to low-income clients as determined by eligibility guidelines. In addition, TRLA provides
services to migrant farm workers on cases that involve issues relating to their status as
migrants. TRLA's mission is to promote the dignity, self-sufficiency, safety and stability of
low-income clients by providing high quality civil legal assistance and related educational
services. The organization has organized its services around a variety of practice areas that
address a broad range of problems confronting the low-income community, such as:
economic self-sufficiency, domestic violence, fair housing, children’s rights, elder law,
disability rights, public benefits, consumer protection, environmental justice, displaced
workers, and homelessness.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR CLIENT: Call telephone hotline at 1-888-988-9996 for initial interview.
COST TO CLIENT: No fees for services.