Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations






Mission and Vision
The Texas Disabled Veterans Association (TDVA) is a one-stop source of information for maximizing quality of life opportunities for active duty, retired, wounded and disabled veterans and their immediate families. TDVA is a registered IRS tax-exempt 501(c) (3) nonprofit charitable corporation. All monetary donations are tax deductible.
The TDVA provides assistance to veterans seeking the benefits acquired through military service, provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs and other local government and community agencies. We provide various charitable and volunteer outreach and service programs in order to benefit our members. By law, the TDVA also honors our responsibility to the American Armed Forces by actively recruiting and retaining energetic, experienced, dedicated and driven veterans to manage and guarantee more than adequate resources for our members in need. We strive to be a one-stop information resource for the American Armed Forces, dedicated to maximizing the quality of life and opportunities for retired, active duty, wounded and disabled veterans and their immediate family members as well as the disabled community.
TDVA encourages everyone to join the Texas Disabled Veterans Association (TDVA). There exists no more courageous an individual than an American Veteran.
Connect with us!
Phone: 210-392-1544
Email: tdva@rocketmail.com
FAX: 830-336-3498
Mail: PO Box 4023, Bergheim TX 78004