Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Seton Home
1115 Mission Road
San Antonio
1115 Mission Rd, San Antonio, TX 78214, USA






Mission and Vision
Seton Home works to break the cycle of abuse and poverty by providing a caring home, education, and support services necessary to transform the lives of pregnant and parenting teen mothers and their children.
Seton Home is a special and safe place for pregnant and parenting teen mothers to heal following trauma, abuse, or neglect. From the moment of arrival, dedicated professionals guide our mothers through healing and toward happy, healthy relationships with their babies to break the cycle of abuse and neglect one family at a time. While in our care, our mothers receive safe shelter, compassionate counseling, quality education, parent education, and an opportunity to thrive as a family.
Our Programs at Seton home are intended to create a holistic approach to healing. The approach is based on education, parenting lessons, spirituality, wellness and mental health. These approaches are the pillars to self-confidence and worthiness that will navigate our moms to self-sufficiency.
E-MAIL: info@setonhomesa.org
HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Residential program - 24 hours per day
AREA SERVED: Statewide
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Safe haven for homeless, pregnant teenagers.
Teenagers 12-18 years old who plan to parent their child.
Residential program includes: Prepared childbirth classes; drug/alcohol awareness; job skills; communication skills; parenting skills; child development classes; independent living skills.
Resident must attend a school program.
1) Telephone Inquiry
2) Interview with client/Parent/Guardian (including Child Protective Service caseworker)
3) Gathering of documents - if admission is appropriate
4) Admission
COST TO CLIENT: Sliding scale fee for private referrals.
State and County agencies pay fees according to Level of Care System.