Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Pass it On Resale
716 Front St.
(830) 995-3912 or (830) 377-5936
716 Front St, Comfort, TX 78013, USA






Mission and Vision
Our Thrift Shop profits provide college scholarships to local youth.
Hours: Friday and Saturday, Noon-4pm
Providing College scholarships to local youth for over a decade. We accept donations of all household goods and clothing in good condition.
All profits go to scholarships for Comfort students. In 2014, we gave nearly $50,000 in scholarships.
Your donations make all the difference.
Your donations help our kids start college or trade school, and help our adults who go back to school. Our new location gives us the space to show your donations well.
Call 830-377-5936 to let us know if you have a large donation, or drop off your items in the corral at the back of the Pass It On store.
All donations are eligible for a charitable donation certificate so you can take the donation amount off your taxes.