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Heart & Hands

Mothers of Preschoolers - M.O.P.S.

c/o First Baptist Church
631 S. School St



631 S School St, Boerne, TX 78006, USA













Mission and Vision

MOPS International encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.

MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and it is a non-denominational international organization that exists to encourage mothers to be the best they can be. Boerne MOPS is a monthly program that meets at First Baptist Church Boerne and is led by mothers for mothers with children aging from birth through kindergarten.

At Boerne MOPS we…
Provide a friendly and relaxing atmosphere
Encourage and learn from one another
Enjoy breakfast
Learn from an informative speaker

Meet in small discussion groups
MOPS meetings are the perfect opportunity for moms to connect and encourage each other through small groups and other activities. It serves as a place to explore the practical, emotional, and spiritual sides of mothering and also provides opportunities for social outings geared specifically for preschool aged children and their mothers.


General Info: Location: FBC Boerne, Family Life Building – 631 S. School St.
MEETINGS: 1st Monday of the month
Time: 9am–11:30am
Cost: $70 per mother if signed up before August 1, $80 after Aug. 1.

Standard registration fee applies online only and must be paid in full

Childcare is offered for ages birth through kindergarten

AREA SERVED: Must be a mother of a preschool child, kindergarten age or under.

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Boerne MOPS is a monthly program that meets at First Baptist Church Boerne
led by mothers, for mothers with children age birth through kindergarten. It is a morning of fun and fellowship with other moms. A speaker gives talks on topics related to women with a biblical perspective.


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