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Heart & Hands

Mental Health and Development Disabilities Center – Hill Country (MHDD)

221 Fawn Valley, Suite 500


Toll Free: 800-325-8931

Crisis Helpline: 1-877-466-0660

221 Fawn Valley Dr, Boerne, TX 78006, USA













Mission and Vision

At Hill Country MHDD Centers our purpose is to help people have positive control over the life they desire and find satisfying, and are recognized and valued for their contributions to their communities. Through our adult and child behavioral health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, substance abuse, crisis care, and justice involved services programs, we promote hope, independence, community integration and recovery.



*CHILDREN & ADOLESCENT SERVICES - Hill Country MHDD Centers serves families with children and adolescents, ages 3 through 17, who exhibit significant behavioral and/or emotional difficulties. We work closely with the family and child/youth to help strengthen and empower families to improve functioning and quality of life. We are committed to providing comprehensive services in a trauma-sensitive environment that promotes safety and healing.

*COPSD - When a person is evaluated as having both mental and substance use conditions, they have what is called a dual diagnosis or a co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorder. We have learned that people experiencing these conditions benefit from early detection and treatment to avoid a potential crisis and have the best opportunity for long-term recovery and improved quality of life.

If you or someone you care about needs treatment for both mental health and substance use, Hill Country MHDD Centers can help. Our COPSD out-patient treatment program provides an integrated approach to address both mental and substance use disorders simultaneously.

Effective treatments include individual counseling, group counseling, and support groups to address a variety of issues such as relationship, employment, budgeting, emotional support, and legal issues. Additionally, treatment provides methods to identify relapse triggers and develop prevention techniques to help decrease use of alcohol and other drugs.

*CRISIS STABILIZATION UNIT - The Linda J. Werlein Hill Country Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) is a 16-bed, inpatient psychiatric unit servicing adults age 18 and over who are experiencing a mental health crisis and whose symptoms interfere with a person’s ability to remain safely in the community. Individuals are referred to the CSU by our Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT) throughout our 19 county catchment area. Services focus on acute, short-term crisis stabilization providing psychiatric, psychological and nursing services.

*INTELLECTUAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SERVICES - Hill Country MHDD Centers is a Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority (LIDDA). LIDDA services include determining a person’s eligibility for services, enrolling a person into programs, and coordinating and monitoring on-going services for a person by assigning them a Service Coordinator. Other important responsibilities include placing individuals on the Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living Interest Lists, helping students transition from school services to community-based services, and aiding families who are seeking residential services for children and adults.

*JUSTICE INVOLVED SERVICES - Hill Country MHDD Centers provides support services to justice involved individuals with a mental health or co-occurring substance use need.

*MENTAL / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH - ​If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health challenges, we can work with you to create the life you want to live. At Hill Country MHDD Centers, we provide compassionate care that offers people hope, healing and recovery.



© 2025 by Kendall County Giving Connections, Boerne, TX

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