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Heart & Hands

Kendall County Sheriff's Office Project C.A.R.E.

6 Staudt St


830-249-4989 x 144

6 Staudt St, Boerne, TX 78006, USA













Mission and Vision

Project C.A.R.E. is a program that is available to at risk juveniles to help them learn the consequences of their behavior. The program gives parents and juveniles information about the criminal justice system and the consequences of being incarcerated.

The Purpose of Project C.A.R.E. is to help divert youthful offenders away from such behavior, and to teach them about the consequences of delinquent and criminal activity. It is our hope that being exposed to the real-life consequences of delinquent or criminal activity will affect, and change the behavior of these juveniles.

What to expect:

Participants will be under the supervision of the jail staff at all times. There will not be any unsupervised contact with inmates nor will they be permitted into inmate housing at anytime. The participants will start by meeting in the sally-port to be given verbal instructions by Detention and Program Staff. Immediately following introductions of staff, participants will be searched to ensure they do not possess contraband, phones, or weapons upon entering the detention facility. They will be escorted on a jail tour to see what it's like first hand to live behind bars, and to show them that all their freedom can be taken away from them if they were to continue on the bad path they are on.

After completion of the tour Detention Staff and Participants will meet with a group of inmates that volunteer to speak about their experiences with the criminal justice system, how they came to be incarcerated, and what they have learned from being locked up. Participants will sit down with one of the program staff members and an inmate to try to find out as to why they are behaving badly and to counsel them into realizing that they need to make better life choices and the importance of goal setting.

The Program is available to residents of Kendall County at no cost. A parent or guardian must sign a Liability Waiver to have their child(ren) enrolled into the program before attending. Please click on the above link to access the liability waiver.

All participants must dress appropriately: no hats, no shorts, or open midriffs. Violators of the dress code will not be permitted to attend the program. No tobacco products may be used and no food or drinks are allowed.

The program is held at the Kendall County Adult Detention Center. Space is limited in the program.

For more information or to schedule:
Contact the C.A.R.E. Program Coordinator
Sergeant Christopher Ortiz
Office: (830) 249-4989 Ext. 144



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