Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations






Mission and Vision
What is a Captivating Retreat?
A Hill Country Women on Fire Captivating Texas is not a retreat about the “how to behave and become the perfect woman.” It is a four-day journey into the recovery of our feminine hearts and seeing the truth of how God sees us. For if we are going to know who we truly are as women, if we are going to find a life worth living, we must first recover what has been lost. We must get our hearts back.
Why is it for me?
Look at the movies we love, the books we read; watch little girls at play. You will learn something very important about the feminine soul. These are the desires that shape our hopes and dreams; they are essential in order to live life as a woman. Misplaced, forgotten, or misdirected, these desires do not simply go away; they go underground and surface later in addiction, control, and shame. We pay a high price when we neglect the core passions of our hearts.
Tell me more about the retreat
It’s open to all women 18 and above
We ask that you arrive between 4:00 pm and 5:30pm Thursday evening. The retreat will end on Sunday at noon.
The retreat location is Knott Creek Falls 2583 Fiedler Road, Harper TX, 78631
The nearest Airport is San Antonio Airport located 78 miles away (1.5 hr by car)
We will be covid conscious and will only have 2-4 women per cabin unless otherwise agreed on. Each woman has her own bed.
The all-inclusive cost is $300 which includes lodging, 8 meals, plenty of snacks, coffee & tea station, journal, and supplies.
It is recommended but not required to read ‘Captivating’ by Stasi Eldredge prior to attending.
If you have any other questions please Email Angela Hudson at angela@captivatingtx.com