Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations






Mission and Vision
Our community works to empower and change the lives of women within our organization and local community. HCWIB offers support, training, and tools which enable women to access their wisdom and power, to know themselves on a deeper level, and to be the best they can be on a personal and professional level.
At our core, we focus on being a catalyst for change in our local community.
Since its establishment in 1985 we have stayed true to our core by creating powerful connections, inspiring one another, and providing meaningful education and networking opportunities for our members; all while supporting and giving back to local non-profits!
MEMBER MEETINGS are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Registration is $20 for members or $30 for non-members and late-registrants.
WINE DOWN WEDNESDAYS are hosted by members the 2nd Wednesday of each month and provides plain ol' fun networking! Appetizers and wine are offered at no charge to attendees. There is a fee of $5 for members and $10 for non-members. Proceeds will be used to fund local charities. Our Philanthropy Committee thanks you!
*Non-members are welcome to attend one event annually and then membership is required. You must email hillcountrywomeninbusiness@gmail.com a request to attend and to be added to the registrants list.