Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Hill Country Montessori School
50 Stone Wall Dr
50 Stone Wall Dr, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
Our Montessori School Mission: “To foster children’s natural love of learning by providing excellent Montessori education through the collaboration of teachers, parents, and students.”
The Montessori-driven educational programs are student-led and self-paced yet guided, evaluated, and enriched by our American Montessori Society (AMS) and Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) certified teachers, the leadership of their classmates, and the inspiring Hill Country Montessori School environment.
We provide our students with multi-aged classrooms, a wide range of integrated academic lessons that utilize didactic (hands-on) materials, and athletic opportunities that advance Montessori students to be confident, enthusiastic, and self-directed learners and citizens.
Toddler Program (18 Months - 3 Years)
The first three years of your child’s life are the most fundamental in the development of their being and their potential. This classroom is prepared by the teacher to promote independence, freedom to explore within limits, and a sense of order. Your child will be able to make use of what the environment offers to develop their intellectual, emotional, and social skills.
Primary Preschool Program (3 – 6 Years)
The HCMS Primary Preschool program supports children ages 3 – 6 in becoming independent, concentrated, social, responsible students who love to learn. Your child will be encouraged to explore, collaborate with other students, and take ownership of their education.
Elementary Program (1st – 6th Grade)
The Elementary programs are designed for students ages 6 – 9 years of age (Lower Elementary) and 9 – 12 years of age (Upper Elementary). Your child will be challenged academically and learn to question, think critically, and take responsibility for their own education – skills that will help them reach their full potential in life.
Middle School (7th – 8th Grade)
Hill Country Montessori’s Middle School program is uniquely designed to support the cognitive and social development of students ages 12 – 14. The mission of this program is to empower adolescents to be self-confident, academically competent, and possess the skills needed to thrive in society.