Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Herff Elementary School PTO
604 Esperanza Blvd.
604 Esperanza Blvd, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
The Herff Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is an all-volunteer, parent-run, non-profit organization committed to strengthening, enhancing and encouraging the educational and social environment of Herff Elementary.
Our goals are:
• To promote the welfare of children in the home, school, and community.
• To bring into a closer relationship the home and school, so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of our children.
• To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts that will secure for every child the highest advantages in academic, physical and social education.
• To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
We serve the community of Herff Elementary school and all of those involved with it. All funds raised are sent directly back to the school and students. We accept monetary donations as well as goods and services that will benefit the Herff Elementary School population.
The Herff PTO has financially supported many programs:
• Students– Brain Pop Website; Razz Kids; Student Council; Watch Dogs; Boerne Outdoor Academy; 5th Grade Graduation; Reading Programs; Safety Patrol; Buddy Benches on both playgrounds
• Teachers – Luncheons; Appreciation; Thanksgiving Pie; Conferences; Supplies; Shirts; Dan St. Romain Staff Development; Capturing Kids Hearts Staff Development
• Families – Family Fun Nights; Donuts with Grownups; New Family Welcome Breakfast; Veteran's Day Ceremony
• Community – Boerne Education Foundation; Community Cares Fund; Blessings in a Backpack
• Workroom Volunteers
• Ice Cream Day
• Watch D.O.G.S. Volunteers
The PTO is for every parent or guardian of a Herff Elementary Student.