Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Geneva School of Boerne
113 Cascade Caverns Road
113 Cascade Cavern, Boerne, TX 78015, USA






Mission and Vision
The Geneva School of Boerne exists to provide a classical education from a biblical worldview to equip students for a lifetime of learning, service, and leadership to the glory of Jesus Christ. We graduate classically trained servant leaders equipped to do hard things.
The Vision for Geneva School of Boerne – We see GSB as a place that exists to come alongside like-minded parents in providing a mutually-desired, challenging and timeless education for students of average to above average academic ability.
PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE – A Geneva graduate is a disciple of Jesus Christ, exhibiting excellence, passion and integrity as he leads for Christ’s cause in the world. He is a critical, logical thinker, able to discern absolute truth from cultural trends and philosophies. As one who loves the Lord with all his mind, the Geneva graduate will be a lover of learning, and have the ability to grasp new ideas throughout his lifetime in pursuit of truth. These qualities, clothed in humility, create a foundation that will enable him to present engagingly articulate and persuasively winsome arguments. A Geneva graduate honors God’s image within himself and thus, is interested in all people because of God’s interest and image in them. The classical education and biblical worldview gained at Geneva will equip the graduate to exhibit vocational excellence to the glory of God.
Geneva School of Boerne is a classical and Christian K-12 private school that pursues doing all things with excellence to the glory of God. We provide a classical curriculum grounded in biblical truth. We graduate classically trained servant leaders equipped to do hard things.
Located on 51 beautiful acres in Boerne, just north of San Antonio in the Texas Hill Country, we provide a place for all students to be known, foster a small town roll-up-your-sleeves style of family volunteerism to get things done and cultivate an outward-focused community that actively loves our neighbors both inside and outside the school. Geneva is a welcoming, tight-knit community of people who trust and invest in each other with grace and grit.
Our Teaching Methodology at GSB:
Grammar School (K-5th) • Logic School (6th-8th) • Rhetoric School (9th-12th) • Athletics & Arts
We see the classical method as a proven educational approach that takes advantage of the student’s natural tendencies and provides them with the necessary tools for learning—a wealth of information (grammar), the ability to think and reason (logic) and the ability to communicate honestly and effectively (rhetoric).
We would love to host you so you can learn more about what a Geneva education could mean for your family. See our website for available Open House dates.
GIVE – For years, Geneva has been blessed by generous gifts from committed donors who believe in the school’s mission and vision. There are many ways to support Geneva and make a lasting impact. Gifts to the school may be given online in regards to:
• Area of the Greatest Need
• Financial Aid Program
Follow our Social Media to stay updated on school community events!
113 Cascade Caverns Road, Boerne, TX 78015
830-755-6101 | geneva@genevaschooltx.org
Geneva is a tax-deductible 501C3, not-for-profit organization.