Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Fair Oaks Ranch Police
7286 Dietz Elkhorn
Fair Oaks Ranch
7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd, Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015, USA






Mission and Vision
The mission of the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department is to be responsive to our community through the proactive enforcement of laws, the protection of life, property and the maintaining of order while affording dignity and respect to those we serve. We will strive to meet the present and future needs of the public through community partnership and innovation.
Non-Emergency Police & After Hours Utilities Dispatch: 830-816-3194
Project S.A.V.E.
Stop Alcohol Violations Early (S.A.V.E.) is a program that certified officers conduct at the elementary school level. It provides information and skills the students need to make right and responsible decisions concerning illegal alcohol use and abuse.
National Night Out
This national program is designed to:
Heighten crime and drug awareness
Generate support and participation in local anti-crime efforts
Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships
Send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back
Fingerprint Services
In order to facilitate the application process for various permits and licenses, the department provides fingerprinting free of charge to all City residents.
Bicycle Rodeo
In cooperation with the Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary PTO, the department participates in the annual bike rodeo held at the school.
Cross Walk
The Police Department provides an officer to assist students using the school crossing. This not only provides the students a safe place to cross Dietz Elkhorn, but also allows a chance for the officer to interact with the children.
Bike Patrol
The department has established a bicycle patrol to help encourage positive interaction with the community and provide a means of transportation for the officers to reach areas of the City not easily accessible.
Guest Speaker
The department provides officers to serve as guest speakers for various Fair Oaks Ranch civic groups. Officers normally speak on crime prevention and safety but will address other topics upon request. The department also works closely with youth groups to provide speakers, tours of the Police Department, and assistance with scout badges.