Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Comfort Porcelain Art Club of Texas – Comfort PAC






Mission and Vision
Motto – “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”
Our Purpose – To stimulate interest, appreciation and skill in the decoration of fine porcelain.
The State Federation of Texas Porcelain Art Clubs was founded over 50 years ago to promote porcelain art education and appreciation of the art. The SFPAC is a Texas non-profit organization, recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.
Porcelain Art, also known as "China Painting" is an amazing form of art. Local Texas Porcelain Art Clubs have a great time painting together, teaching one another, and doing all they can to encourage everyone to grow and improve their art form. From beautiful floral paintings to portraits and landscape scenes, the fine art of porcelain painting offers something for everyone.
The object of the Organization shall be (a) To provide opportunity for porcelain artists to obtain additional education through training opportunities and publications, and (b) To promote the affiliation of, and the cooperation among clubs.
You are invited to join us at our next meeting!
Club Meeting Details:
When – Third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise announced
Where – Members House – Please contact for details
Time – 10:00am
Our Purpose – To stimulate interest, appreciation and skill in the decoration of fine porcelain.
Our Motto – “This is the best day the world has ever seen; tomorrow will be even better”
Club Colors: Indian Red, Yellow, Green & White Flower Indian Blanket
Contact us for more information!
Comfort PAC Contact – Margie Bendele
830-537-4637 || bendele@gvtc.com
State Federation of PACs – stateoftexaspac@gmail.com