Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Comfort Golden Age Center Foundation
628 Hwy 27
628 TX-27, Comfort, TX 78013, USA






Mission and Vision
Comfort Golden Age Center provides opportunities and resources to those over age 55 in the areas of physical and mental health, nutrition and education in the Comfort, Texas area.
Home Delivered Meals. Meals on Wheels five days a week, in-house meals five days a week, Activities of Exercise Monday and Thursday, Bingo, Dominoes, Cribbage, 42, Pinochle, Parties and more!
The Golden Age Center is a place for senior citizens to gather in an atmosphere that promotes and utilizes life experiences and skills. The goal of the Golden Age Center is to provide an environment that validates the changing needs and interests of the members, enhances growth and dignity and encourages connection with each other and the Comfort Community.
• Meals on Wheels
• Senior Mini-Food Pantry
• Health & Wellness Presentations
• Senior Safety Network
• Table Top Games, Companionship of friends (sharing memories, good food and snacks)
• Music Programs, Social Events, Celebrations (Holidays, Birthdays, Anniversaries)
• Craft Corner, Volunteer Opportunities
Our Meals on Wheels is a program of the Rainbow Senior Center at Kronkosky Place in Boerne, Texas. Hot meals are served daily at our Center and daily deliveries of a hot lunch to our (Meals on Wheels) are also provided. We have many caring individuals serving on our Foundation Board of Directors, our Meals on Wheels and Center volunteers, all of which are very dedicated to helping our area seniors in so many ways!
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:00AM – 1:00PM
Follow our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goldenagecenter
~ Our Daily Schedule ~
EVERYDAY – Dominoes, Pinochle, Shut the Box, Social Hour (10AM), Lunch at 12PM (Order by 8:15AM)
VOLUNTEER – Help us with delivering daily meals.