Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
City of Fair Oaks Ranch
7286 Dietz Elkhorn
Fair Oaks Ranch
7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd, Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015, USA






Mission and Vision
To maintain and enhance those quality of life factors which influenced the citizens to establish a residence within the City and to provide security, public safety, and police services for the maintenance of good order and the protection of personal and real property located within the City limits.
Take no action that would materially affect the quality of life in any fashion detrimental to the continuance and enhancement of conditions existing at the time the City was incorporated.
Pursue a long range plan that will protect the autonomy of the City, provide for inclusion of unincorporated areas in the City, and promote the City's authority to determine its own future.
Maintain a law enforcement agency at a reasonable cost for the security of the citizens and the protection of personal and real property within the City limits.
Provide for reliable emergency services through arrangements with existing Emergency Medical Services agencies.
Provide for reliable fire protection services through arrangements with existing fire protection agencies.
Build appropriate reserve funds necessary to meet large expenditure requirements, such as road repair, with regular deposits so as to have as little effect on tax rates and the least reliance on debt creation as possible.
Conduct services consistent with the above listed priorities in the most cost effective manner possible, to include extensive use of volunteers, so as to keep the tax rate as low as possible.
See the City of Fair Oaks Ranch website, fairoaksranchtx.org, for detailed information on City Government, Resident Services and Doing Business in Fair Oaks Ranch.
Find other pages in this site on the following departments and programs of the City of Fair Oaks Ranch.
Fair Oaks Ranch Animal Control: Available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and can be reached at (830) 816-3194 or (830) 249-8645. To answer calls after hours, weekends or holidays, please contact Dispatch at the non-emergency numbers listed here and a Fair Oaks Ranch Police Officer will respond.
Fair Oaks Ranch HA Parks and Trails: The parks and trails in Fair Oaks Ranch are owned and maintained by the Fair Oaks Ranch Homeowners Association. For questions or concerns, please call 210-698-2225 or email forha@gvtc.com or see our website at forha.org/parks-and-trails.
Fair Oaks Ranch Police: See http://www.fairoaksranchtx.org/79/Police