Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations






Mission and Vision
Information is provided below on Kendall County businesses and organizations that are coordinating or participating in charitable Christmas programs in 2021.
ADOPT-A-FAMILY through the St. Vincent de Paul Society (St. Peter's Catholic Church).
Share this sacred season with your "adopted" family by donating gifts and a Christmas meal to a needy family. For more information or to adopt a family, contact:
Linda Garza at (210) 394-1161 or lindachaparita@att.net
Jeanna Moravits at (830) 816-5657 or jeanna@stpetersboerne.com
BLUE SANTA TOY GIVE-AWAY sponsored by Kendall Co Sheriff's Office, Boerne Police and Fair Oaks Police.
See the Boerne Community Coalition Facebook page for information on where to donate or how to volunteer; https://www.facebook.com/boernecommunitycoalition/
6th Annual Warrior Cry Music Project
Homeless Veteran's Christmas Drive benefiting the San Antonio American G.I. Forum
December 3 - 24, 2021
Primary Items Needed: Visa / WalMart / Gas Cards, Jackets, Gloves, Beanies, Scarves, New Underwear and Socks, New Pillows, Personal Hygiene
Boerne Drop Off Locations:
> Boerne Boot & Hide and of a Muse - 233 S. Main St. 830-444-8043
> An Empty Vase - 121 Lohmann St. 830-443-4134
For more information, email michellef@warriorcry.org or call 915-373-9879