Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations






Mission and Vision
MISSION: Camp Agape is a safe place that provides a fun and supportive atmosphere, while fostering faith, healing and hope for children, teens, and families through their grief journey.
VISION: A world where everyone has hope after loss.
Camp Agape is a 501(c)(3), Non-Profit Organization operating in support of children between 7 and 12 years of age, who have suffered the loss of a loved one. The four-day program is offered at no cost to the children through sponsorships by private, community, and corporate giving.
Camp Agape Texas is a unique and innovative faith-based summer camp program with all the fun a normal summer camp offers—swimming, fishing, and horse riding—along with group-therapy activities to assist with their bereavement process. These activities incorporate the use of art, music, games and play therapies with the central theme of offering true HOPE for their future.
The camps are held at Camp Capers, located in Comfort, Texas.
Campers are organized into boy/girl groups as well as by age. Each camper is paired with a Buddy who will mentor the camper throughout the program. Each group is assigned at least one Assistant Buddy who circulates and assists each camper pair as needed. A Grief Coach observes the children and assists with processing emotions. A Chaplain circulates camp and offers faith-based assistance, when needed.
Due to the amount of children in need of our service, a child is currently only allowed to attend our program as a camper once, unless they have suffered a new loss.
Follow us on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/CampAgapeTexas/