Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Boerne Independent School District (Special Education)
235 Johns Rd
235 Johns Rd, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
Welcome to Boerne Independent School District's Special Education Program. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions and informative resources about Special Education in the Boerne Independent School District.
Although Boerne ISD has approximately 1200 students identified as needing special education, our staff is dedicated to providing the most individualized of services as possible. In both federal and state law, the goal of special education is to help students with disabilities become as independent as possible as they move through the schools. Further, the law requires that each student should become employable, if possible, when they leave the educational setting. This may include opportunities to pursue post-high school education. Every program provided through special education is dedicated to these goals.
HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
AREA SERVED: Boerne Independent School District
SERVICES PROVIDED: Special education services for children birth through 22 in Boerne Independent
School District.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Admission, review, and dismissal in meeting determines eligibility based on federal and state guidelines.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR CLIENT: Call campus Special Education.
Please see our website which contains a significant amount of detail on our programs and services, parent links and resources, special education operating guidelines, dyslexia programs and special education team.