Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Boerne Covenant Life Church Inc.
8793 Dietz Elkhorn Rd
8793 Dietz Elkhorn Rd, Boerne, TX 78015, USA






Mission and Vision
Changing lives and communities by living in relationship with God and the world, worshiping in response to God's love, and pursuing God's presence.
Boerne Covenant Life meets at 6:30 PM on Wednesday nights and 10:00 AM on Sundays.
– Chain Breakers: We are Youth discovering who we are through the Identity of Jesus. We are learning every week that our Identities are found in Jesus and not the World. We are discovering who we are through the Scriptures and how to fight off the negative impacts that the world places on us. We do all this through Worship, Bible Study, and Games with a couple snacks and treats thrown in. Meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
– K'Motion: Kids In Motion: We are dedicated to teaching your kids about Jesus and who God has created them to be. Loving on kids is what we do. Do you love kids? Do you love changing future generations?
– The MORE Factor; Successfully Living in the Spirit; Seeking His Presence; The God Encounter; The Mind Field; Finding True Purpose; From Promise to Possession; Unified
– Lights, Camera, Action! -- Do you love being behind the scenes and making things happen? Then this is the place for you.
Pastors Jack and Christine Williams are the founding pastors of Boerne Covenant Life. Pastor Jack accepted the call on his life at the age of 14. At that time, his family traveled and ministered around the United States.
After 22 years in Georgia at Cedarlake Christian Center, they felt God call them towards Boerne. They started a home Bible study in September 2014 where Boerne Covenant Life was birthed. In March of 2016, BCL held its first service.
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/boernecl