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Heart & Hands

Boerne Church of Christ

1 Upper Balcones Rd



1 Upper Balcones Rd, Boerne, TX 78006, USA













Mission and Vision

Our mission is to develop spiritual lives rooted in Jesus Christ, enabling the message of salvation to grow and spread in Boerne and the world.

Our church is committed to the vision of sharing Christ and his heart for the home with every family (in our church and community). We believe this vision fits not only with our church’s heart, but with motives running deeply within the Boerne community. Family is one of the highest motivations bringing residents to Boerne at this time.


Service Times:
Sunday - Bible Classes 9:30 AM; Worship 10:30 AM
Wednesday - Bible Classes 7:00 PM

Our Ministries:

Ladies’ Bible Class
Women of all ages join together every Thursday at 10:00 AM in the Family Room for Bible Study. Afterwards, feel free to join everyone for lunch and fellowship time. The class is currently studying “Set Free” by Cassandra Martin.

Men’s Breakfast
Join men of all ages for breakfast on the first Saturday of every month. Cooking begins at 7:30 AM in the Family Room followed by Breakfast and Devotional at 8:30 AM. Come for the good food and stay for the great fellowship!

Adult Bible Classes
We offer many opportunities for classes throughout the year concerning topics such as: parenting, marriage, deep Biblical study, life application skills, and more!

Sunday Morning Youth Bible Class
Each Sunday we offer age-specific Bible Classes for Middle School and High School Students. This is an intentional deeper Bible study time focused on asking tough questions, building community, and furthering our knowledge of God’s Word.

Wednesday Night Youth Group
All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us every week for Youth Group from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM in the Family Room. Youth Group is the highlight of our week as we gather for singing, games, Bible Study, and Small Groups. Each small group is age specific: Middle School (6th-8th), Underclassmen (9th-10th), and Upperclassmen (11th-12th).

Other Youth Events
We participate/host many other events throughout the year, such as: Hill Country Summit, Family Dinner and Devotionals, Ski Trips, Service Projects, Winter Retreat, Christmas Brunch, Christmas Lock-in, and more!!

Sunday Morning Children's Classes
We have classes for all children (birth-5th Grade) every Sunday Morning at 9:30 AM. All of our teachers are properly trained and screened so that you will feel comfortable sending your children into a loving, nurturing environment. Classes are full of Bible Study, songs, games, arts and crafts, and tons of other fun activities!!

Wednesday Night Children's Class
We currently offer one Wednesday Night Class for all Preschool and Elementary age (Kinder-5th Grade) kiddos. This is a great opportunity to have fun during the week and revisit the lesson from Sunday Morning. Childcare is offered in the Nursery for all children 3 years and below.

Attended Nursery
We offer a nursery for all children 3 years and below each Sunday Morning during Worship. Our volunteers are screened and trained to care for your children while you join us for our weekly assembly.

Other Children's Events
Many other opportunities are available throughout the year for parents and students to enjoy, such as: Back to School Bash, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Party, Vacation Bible School, and more!!


© 2025 by Kendall County Giving Connections, Boerne, TX

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