Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Boerne Champion High School PTO (CHS PTO)
201 Charger Blvd
201 Charger Blvd, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
Champion PTO promotes the education and well-being of students and fosters an atmosphere of cooperation between parents, teachers and the community.
The Boerne-Samuel V. Champion PTO is an organization that truly embodies the spirit of collaboration, the rewards of volunteering, and most of all, having fun!
Champion PTO seeks to promote the education and well-being of students and to foster an atmosphere of cooperation between parents, teachers and the community. To achieve this goal we provide volunteer efforts and financial support to programs that benefit students, teachers and the school as a whole.
Welcome to CHS PTO! Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide support for our school and students.
– VOLUNTEERING: When parents are involved, everybody wins! We have numerous programs available to suit almost everyone's' schedules, strengths, and/or skills. We have a volunteer opportunity for you to meet your interests and availability!
– We are in need of committee chairs for many of our committees; if you are interested in getting more involved in PTO please reach out.
FUNDRAISING – The PTO helps our school purchase technology, programs, and materials that are not in their budget. This year we are raising money for Chromebooks and Chromebook Carts.
CONTACT US – Email us directly at championpto@gmail.com with any PTO-related questions!
Connect on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Boerne-Samuel-V-Champion-PTO-711915452203351