Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Texas
10843 Gulfdale
San Antonio
10843 Gulfdale St, San Antonio, TX 78216, USA






Mission and Vision
Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.
Our vision is to help all children achieve success in life.
We will stay true to our mission – one-to-one youth mentoring, professionally supported, safe mentoring with proven, measurable outcomes.
There is a significant need/demand for us to serve more kids. Our kids, schools and neighborhoods need us now more than ever.
We are a performance-oriented organization striving to achieve results in terms of quality mentoring relationships, excellent efficiency and stewardship for our supporters, aggressive growth goals for the number of children served and cumulative impact for our schools and community.
Youth today are growing up without the support and guidance they need to be successful. Without access to positive role models, they too often fall prey to the dysfunctional cycles of poverty, delinquency, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, failure and incarceration that characterize their neighborhoods and schools. Boys of color, particularly Hispanic and African American boys, face overwhelming obstacles that limit their potential. Mentoring is an evidence-based approach to addressing positive youth outcomes.
Youth in our mentoring programs experience a wide range of factors that limit their ability to achieve their full potential. These interrelated stressors have a cumulative effect of making youth more vulnerable to negative behaviors and delinquency. BBBS serves youth who are struggling academically, who lack self-esteem, who have been abused, who have family members in prison, who are living in single parent homes or with grandparents, and who are living in poverty. Having access to a caring, positive role model who inspires the potential of these youth has been proven effective.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is a volunteer-based organization supported 100% by donations from individuals, corporations and private foundations. Our agency serves children by providing them with positive adult role models through our school based, community based and workplace mentoring programs.
Being a mentor is a rewarding, life changing experience, and there are hundreds of kids on our wait list today. We are so excited that you are considering our program. Thank you!
We are so happy that you are interested in enrolling your child in our mentoring program. It all starts with the right role models. And Big Brothers Big Sisters is the place to start a relationship with one. For over 100 years, due in large part to private donations, we’ve been able to recruit, screen, match, and support mentoring relationships that have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people across the community.
We enroll youth ages 5-16. Youth can be matched between the ages of 6-16. We support young adults until the age of 26.