Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department
1 Old Curry Creek Road
1 Old Curry Creek Rd, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
Volunteer Fire Department serving the Bergheim area in eastern Kendall County including the residents of Bergheim, Cordillera Ranch, Coveney Ranch, Kendall Woods, North Barcroft Estates, Sage Oaks, Waterstone and other residents near these residential areas.
The idea for creating a volunteer fire department in eastern Kendall County began with a concerned citizens group who started to meet in 2004. Once they agreed upon the need for a local fire station, they started searching for a possible site, and Bergheim was selected as a central location. The Kendall County Commissioner -Precinct 2, helped the group obtain a deed from Kendall County for land on which to build the fire station, and he continues to provide support. With the site selected and the deed in hand, the group then started developing plans to raise funds to create the Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department. In 2005, they submitted filings for registering with the State of Texas as a non-profit corporation, and in early 2006, application was made to the IRS for 501(c)3 tax exempt classification.
The slab was poured for the firehouse in June 2007. Construction, under the direction of Hooker Contracting, was completed in April 2009. Dedication of the new firehouse occurred on May 14, 2009, and it officially began operating in June 2009.
Volunteer firefighters and supports and donations are greatly needed and gratefully appreciated!
The Bergheim VFD is working to keep up with the growth in eastern Kendall County. As a next step, we are proposing that an Emergency Services District (ESD) be established for this service area. ESD’s, common in Texas, provide a sustainable funding source for an area. An ESD will address critical needs required to better serve our expanding community. Currently, we are asking the Kendall County Commissioners to add the ESD on the May 2022 ballot for a public vote. At that election, the community will decide whether or not to establish an ESD.