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Heart & Hands

Ambleside School of Boerne (St. John Lutheran)

210 Turner Ave



210 Turner St, Boerne, TX 78006, USA













Mission and Vision

We educate for life, not just the next test.


The Ambleside Lifestyle:

Over the course of their school years, your child will spend roughly 12,000 hours in a classroom. Second only to his parents, a child's teachers will have the greatest impact upon his formation. What are your goals for your child? What sort of classroom do you envision for your child? What sort of family life do you hope to cultivate?

In our classrooms, we will love your child and value him as a person created in the image of God. We will inspire her by exposing her to the good, true and beautiful though our rich and rigorous curriculum. We will hold him to a high standard as he learns to work hard and to delight in struggle. We will help her to form the habits of mind and body necessary for success in life. We will assign work that is challenging and worthy; work to be proud of. Every day at Ambleside, your child will calculate, solve, attend, explore, ponder, recite, serve, create and sing. At the end of the day, we return your child back to you with a full mind and a full heart. Because we have used our day well, little to no homework is assigned below grade five, and homework is kept to a moderate level for older students.

The Ambleside lifestyle allows families to spend their evenings on rest, recreation, conversation and meals together. Over the weeks, months and years at Ambleside - you will begin to notice welcome effects on your family life at home. Ambleside children share around the dinner table, with delighted eyes, the wonders of insects learned in their entomology lesson or the inspiration gained from hearing one of the symphonies of Joseph Haydn. They can often be found outdoors surrounded by "old friends" they have become acquainted with through Nature Study. The richness of Ambleside becomes a springboard for all of life for our families. Our parents find themselves revisiting old classics that their children are reading or planning trips to the art museum on the weekends. As we grow in community with one another, we encourage each other along the way. Parents gather to discuss great books, mothers gather for coffee and conversation, whole families enjoy times of service, prayer and recreation together. It is a lovely way of life. Won't you join us?

If you are interested in learning more about whether the Ambleside lifestyle is right for your family, we invite you to visit us at our next Open House event.


© 2025 by Kendall County Giving Connections, Boerne, TX

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