Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Aging & Disability Resource Center - (Alamo Service Connection)
Toll-free: 855-937-2372
206 West Schreiner Street, Kerrville, TX 78028, USA






Mission and Vision
Connecting Seniors, Veterans, Individuals with Disabilities, Caregivers and their Families to services and resources by offering a one stop shop for information, referral, & assistance.
One stop shop for information referral & assistance for seniors, people with disabilities and veterans and their families.
ABOUT US: Aging & Disability Resource Center is a comprehensive, Internet-based community resource for seniors and persons with disabilities, as well as their caregivers and service providers.
Counties served: Atascosa, Bandera, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, McMullen, Medina, Wilson
The Area Agency on Aging operates the Alamo Service Connection, an information, referral, and assistance system for seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, and their families. ASC helps them navigate the complex system of services offered by government agencies, nonprofits, and other service providers. ASC has an extensive database on its website, which is supported by systems navigators in the ASC call center. Systems navigators help callers explore options for handling problems related to aging and disability and recommend resources and strategies for problem resolution.
To contact the ASC:
• Call Center – call 210-477-3275 or toll free 1-866-231-4922
• Monday -Friday ( 8AM to 5PM )
This easy-to-use Web site provides an extensive directory to put people in touch with the right services at the right time. It also offers vital information about diseases, situations, assistive devices and caregiving, as well as daily news from around the world concerning aging and disabilities. This unique, one-stop information tool enables you to keep personal records, create an online family meeting place, and communicate directly with elected officials to make your voice heard in the legislative halls.
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are part of the No Wrong Door system, which is designed to streamline public access to long-term services and supports (LTSS).
The Network of Care's Features:
• Service Directory, Library, Nationwide News
• Social Network of Care
• Assistive Devices
• Links, Legislate, My PHR, For Providers
Dual-Language (English + Spanish)