Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Welcome to the Kendall County Giving Connections website. This website was created by volunteers to be the most comprehensive source of information for connecting Kendall County area nonprofits and community-based organizations with the local residents they serve and represent.
We know that old and new residents of Kendall County alike are generous with their time, talent and treasure – in back to back studies by SmartAsset.com performed in 2020 and 2022, Kendall County was deemed the most generous county in the state when it came to charitable causes and organizations (see FAQ's for more on this!). However, we could not find an easy and comprehensive source or list of nonprofits and community-based organizations that informs local residents where they can put these resources to use locally. So we created one!
This website will also serve as a resource for individuals seeking the services and assistance provided by these nonprofits and community-based organizations. Other Kendall County stakeholders are also working on improving social services to county residents and we are working with them to improve communications and access. Our vision is that this website enhances the connection and communication between organizations and residents in need.
This website is our gift to the residents of the Kendall County area. We hope you find it useful in keeping us small town simple and our giving local even as our population grows!

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25

Jeff Schwarz

Pictured Above Left to Right: Jeff Schwarz, a 6th generation Kendall County founding family member, neighbors Robin Bull and Lisa Brown, and Jeff's son, Hayden, who were the largest contributors to this effort. It could not have been completed without the help of many other friends and neighbors who contacted the organizations and insured the accuracy of the information. Other key support for this effort came from the Kendall County Behavioral Health Initiative stakeholders and the leadership of the Patrick Heath Public Library and Hill Country Family Services.